Tropiway Cocoyam Fufu Flour is an essential ingredient in the culinary cultures of Africa and the Caribbean. This flour is made from cocoyam, a vegetable that is widely grown and consumed across West Africa. Cocoyam is a rich source of nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it an excellent addition to any diet. Fufu made from Tropiway Cocoyam Fufu Flour is a beloved dish that is often served with stews, soups, or seafood dishes. The soft, pliable texture of this fufu complements the rich, bold flavors of these dishes, making it a popular choice among food enthusiasts. Additionally, cocoyam fufu is also a perfect addition to breakfast and snack foods, including sweet and savory recipes. In summary, Tropiway Cocoyam Fufu Flour is a must-have ingredient for anyone looking to infuse their dishes with authentic African and Caribbean flavors. It is a highly versatile ingredient that is easy to prepare and perfect for incorporating into a variety of different recipes.
Tropiway Flour, Fufu, Cocoyam - 24 oz
So Easy to Prepare: To Produce Instant Cocoyam Fufu: Bring a cup of plain water to boil in a saucepan. Divide water into two parts. Add 4 oz. (113g) of Fufu Flour to the heated water in sauce-pan and stir with a wooden spoon. Gradually add the remaining heated water and stir. Place over medium heat and knead thoroughly for about four minutes or until a smooth but thick consistency is achieved. Allow Fufu to cool and serve. For stiffer Fufu, use a little less water, or add a little more Fufu Flour.
Ingredients: Mashed Cocoyam (Dehydrated Tubers of the Elephant’s Ear Plant), Cassava, Saffron (for Natural Vitamins & Minerals), Preservative: Sodium Metabisulphite Antioxidant: BHT.
Serving Size: 0.5 cup dry